Four // 四 // 네

This is Group 4^^
"Creating Caption"

Hello everyone, this week is Group 4 turn. Before started it, we all sang 'Syukur'

Dari yakinku teguh
Hati ikhlasku penuh
Akan karuniamu
Tanah air pusaka
Indonesia merdeka
Syukur aku sembahkan
Ke hadiratMu Tuhan

Dari yakinku teguh
Cinta ikhlasku penuh
Akan jasa usaha
Pahlawanku yang baka
Indonesia merdeka
Syukur aku hanjukkan
Ke bawah duli Tuhan

Dari yakinku teguh
Bakti ikhlasku penuh
Akan azas rukunmu
Pandu bangsa yang nyata
Indonesia merdeka
Syukur aku hanjukkan
Ke hadapanmu Tuhan

After that, they explained about Creating Caption, they show us where we can find that and the rules to make it. The rules is :
  1. Supply specific information (Answering 5W1H Question)
  2. User present tense on the first sentence
  3. Caption are written in a complete sentences
  4. Cleary identify the people and location in the photo
  5. Identify the person from left to right
This is their PowerPoint slides that they used for their presentation.

After that, they gave us 5 quiz and we must answer it on Google Form. And at the end, we all sang a song of 'Ayo Mama'

Ayam hitam telurnya putih
Mencari makan di pinggir kali
Sinyo hitam giginya putih
Kalau ketawa manis sekali

Ayo mama, jangan mama marah beta
Dia cuma cuma pegang beta
Ayo mama, jangan mama marah beta
Lah orang muda punya biasa
That's all for the Group 4! ≧∇≦


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