Eight // 八 // 여덟

This is Group 8^^
" It's Garbage In, Arts Work Out"

It's Group 8 turn, this week, they was presented about News Item form newspaper, tv or radio. Before we started it, we all sang 'Hari Merdeka'

Tujuh belas agustus tahun empat lima
Itulah hari kemerdekaan kita
Hari merdeka nusa dan bangsa
Hari lahirnya bangsa Indonesia

Sekali merdeka tetap merdeka
Selama hayat masih di kandung badan
Kita tetap setia tetap setia
Mempertahankan Indonesia
Kita tetap setia tetap setia
Membela negara kita

Text Struxture :
1. Opening
2. Main Event / newsworthly event
3. Elaboration
4. Closing

  • The field reporter introduces her name (TV)
  • The broadcaster in the studio welcomes listeners to the program and introduces her name (Radio)
Main Event
  • The field reports the event with more detailed information by interviewing some actors and witnesses of the event (TV)
  • The broadcaster in the studio tells the newsworthly event in the form of a summary (Radio)
  • The field reporter mentions her name to end the report (TV)
  • The broadcaster in the studio ends the program by mentioning her name and inviting listeners to join the program again next time (Radio)
This is their PowerPoint that they used for their presentation, their explain isn't really cleary. There is no quiz. We also sang 'Soleram' for closing song.


Anak yang manis
Anak manis janganlah dicium sayang
Kalau dicium merah lah pipinya

Satu dua
Tiga dan empat
Lima enam
Tujuh delapan
Kalau tuan dapat kawan baru sayang
Kawan lama ditinggalkan jangan

That's a for Group 8 ≧∇≦


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